Studies & Papers
SEAI, 2024: Offshore Renewable Energy Technology Roadmap
EC, 2024: Study on clean energy R&I opportunities to ensure EU energy security
TU Delft, 2024: Life-Cycle Analysis of a Soft-Kite AWE System
IEA Wind Task 48, 2024: Reference Economic Model for AWE Systems
TU Delft, 2024: How do residents perceive energy-producing kites?
MegaAWE, 2023: Site Analysis for AWE. A case study in Germany
TU Delft, 2023: Design and Optimisation of Tethered Composite Wings
EC, 2023: Report on tech development, trends, value chains and markets
Trevisi et al, 2023: Refining the AWE system power equations
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Airborne Wind Europe
Avenue de la Renaissance 1
1000 Brussels, Belgium