Social Acceptance
TU Delft, 2024: How do residents perceive energy-producing kites?
Author: Helena Schmidt, Valentin Leschinger, Florian J.Y. Müller, Gerdien de Vries, Reint...
MegaAWE, 2023: Site Analysis for AWE. A case study in Germany
Author: Inés Coca / BlueWise Marine Year: 2023 Title: Site Identification Analysis for...
TU Delft, 2022: Social Acceptance of Airborne Wind Energy
Author: Helena Schmidt, Gerdien de Vries, Reint Jan Renes and Roland Schmehl Year: 2022 Title:...
TU Delft, 2022: The Social Acceptance of AWE. A Literature Review
Author: Helena Schmidt, Gerdien de Vries, Reint Jan Renes & Roland Schmehl Year: 2022 Title:...
Natural Power, 2020: Appendix D: Ornithology Assessment
Author: Natural Power Consultants Year: 2023 Title: Appendix D: Ornithology...
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Airborne Wind Europe
Avenue de la Renaissance 1
1000 Brussels, Belgium