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The MegaAWE project aims to bring utility-scale AWES (“MW-AWES”) closer to the market, readying SMEs for its roll-out in NWE and beyond.
It shall achieve this by:

  • endurance demonstration, to improve investability and secure interest of utilities
  • demonstration of key enabling modules at MW-scale, to derisk planning of commercial prototype demo
  • an execution plan for MW-AWES commercial prototype demo, to ensure relevant innovation focus (incl. site & user requirements, design guidelines, system sizing & costing), validated by regions & users.

MegaAWE investment/outputs address the recommendations of the EU-commissioned 2018 Ecorys study on AWES:

  • AWES test hub in Mayo, IE
  • Precommercial AWES architecture demonstrated at 150kW in on-field pilot
  • Three key enabling AWES modules at >1MW, demonstrated in-lab
  • 20 Enterprises supported
  • “MegaAWE” Platform, supporting MW-AWES development and future roll-out, matching needs & opportunities of regions & users with solutions of developers.