Environmental Impact
Life-Cycle Assessment of a Multi-Megawatt AWE System
Author: Luuk van Hagen, Kristian Petrick, Stefan Wilhelm and Roland Schmehl Year: 2023...
AWEurope, 2021: Life-Cycle Assessment of an AWE System
Author: Kristian Petrick Year: 2021 Title: Life-Cycle Assessment of an Airborne Wind Energy System...
Life Cycle Assessment of Multi-Megawatt Airborne Wind Energy
Author: Luuk van Hagen Year: 2021 Title: Life-Cycle Assessment of Multi-Megawatt Airborne Wind...
Natural Power, 2020: Appendix D: Ornithology Assessment
Author: Natural Power Consultants Year: 2023 Title: Appendix D: Ornithology...
Makani, 2020. Kite Measurement and Correlation
Author: Makani Year: 2020 Title: Kite Measurement and Correlation Affiliation: Makani Zenodo...
Kitekraft, 2019: Which ETech has the Lowest CO2-Footprint?
Author: Florian Bahuer Year: 2019 Title: Which Energy Technology has the Lowest CO2-Footprint?...
Kitemill, 2018: Assesing the impacts on birds. A pilot study in Norway
Author: Arnold Haland Year: 2018 Title: Testing of Kitemill’s Airborne Wind Energy System at...
Makani, 2018: Bird and Bat Conservation Plan. Project in Hawaii island
Author: David Reginald Year: 2018 Title: Bird and Bat Conservation Plan - Makani Energy Kite...
Bruinzeel, L. et al., 2018: Ecological Impact of AWE Technology
Author: Leo Bruinzeel, Erik Klop, Allix Brenninkmeijer and Jaap Bosch Year: 2018 Title: Ecological...
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Airborne Wind Europe
Avenue de la Renaissance 1
1000 Brussels, Belgium