Congratulations to Hidde Vos from Delft University of Technology for the interesting and dedicated MSc defense given this morning about “A Whole-Energy System Perspective to Floating Wind Turbines and Airborne Wind Energy in the North Sea Region”
Pointing out the benefits and advantages of AWE both onshore and offshore as a game-changer solution by harnessing energy from the wind at heights up to 600m and getting a higher energy generation at lower carbon intensity, and probably at relatively low cost towards net zero emissions.
TU Delft has two MSc defenses more with public online presentations lining up in June:
🗣️ Naomi B. “Aeroacoustics of Airborne Wind Energy Systems” (incl. measurement campaigns with Kitemill and Kitepower)
📍 28 June, 1pm CET
🗣️ Jesse Hummel “Kite Tether Force Control Reducing Power Fluctuations for Utility-Scale Airborne Wind Energy Systems”
📍 30 June, 10:30am CET
😍 Looking forward to attending it!
Thank you, Airborne Wind Europe, for announcing the presentations. Each presentation will take about 30-35 minutes with 10-15 minutes time for public Q&A.