Kitekraft, Kitepower and Kitenergy project partners explained new breakthroughs

On 14 and 15 November 2023, the Technical University of Munich hosted MERIDIONAL’s 3rd consortium meeting. During the two-day meeting, the project partners could update each other on progress and deliverables, as well as exchanging information and experience on the several work packages to continue laying the framework to developing a toolchain to increase accuracy in energy yield assessment and loads for both wind turbines and Airborne Wind Energy systems. Among the updates, the WINSENT test site was presented too.

The consortium meeting was also aimed at identifying challenges and opportunities for cooperation with the two sister projects Flow and AIRE. Synergies with other EU-funded projects are crucial to broaden the stakeholder network, share knowledge, and spread innovation in the wind energy sector.

AWEurope could also follow up the latest updates from AWE partners:
– Kitekraft´s German grid connection milestone explained by Florian Bauer.
– Kitepower´s new test site in Mayo County Council explained by Roland Schmehl.
– Kitenergy´s test site in San Pancrazio Salentino, Italy.

It was also a pleasure to meet in person with Ilaria Bonetti from ICONS Innovation Strategies to continuing developing the communication, dissemination and exploitation activities within Meridional EU where AWEurope helps providing #AWE deliverables and gathering project content to be spread over media and website.

Thanks to all the project partners for the inspiring presentations, lively discussions, coffee talks, strengthening the network and consolidating project ideas.