Airborne Wind Europe

The Association of the Airborne Wind Energy sector


Airborne Wind Energy systems



AWE systems

The latest Airborne Wind Energy news

AWEU 2024 Wrap-Up: A transformative year for Airborne Wind Energy 

AWEU 2024 Wrap-Up: A transformative year for Airborne Wind Energy 

The year 2024 is coming to an end, and from Airborne Wind Europe, we wanted to go over the advancements and milestones achieved by the sector during the last twelve months. This year marked significant progress for the AWE sector, with groundbreaking achievements and...

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How does it work?

Airborne Wind Energy Systems (AWES) produce electricity using kites or wings which are attached by a tether to a ground station. 

There are two phases: 

  1. Power phase: The kite flies cross-wind in figures of eight, reeling-out the tether which turns the drum to which the generator – located in the ground station – is connected. Power is generated. 

2. Retraction phase: The tether is reeledin again and the kite dives down back to the starting position. This requires about 20% of the energy produced in the power phase. 

    Have a look at our video demonstrations!

    How does it look like?

    Airborne Wind Energy is ready to complement renewable energy deployment as a game-changer solution that allows untapped wind resources to be harnessed at high altitudes (up to 600 m) while reducing material requirements by up to 90% compared to conventional wind technologies.

    Discover our White Paper

    Discover the potential, the advantages and the benefits of Airborne Wind Energy through our official White Paper launched by BVG Associates in 2022.

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    Airborne Wind Europe

    Avenue de la Renaissance 1

    1000 Brussels, Belgium

    Phone: +32 2 73 962 12

    Our Technology

    Registry Number 0730 687 538 / Court of Brussels

    VAT no. BE  0730 687 538

    The European Union ‘Transparency Register’ ID number: 613671330935-36